Parking Lot Rules and Regulations: 2024-2025
Student Drop Off and Entry/Exit Procedures
Student Safety Officer Courtesy
- Drivers dropping off students should follow the School Safety Officers’ directions.
- Campus Safety officers will direct traffic to the designated drop off zones located near the front gates of the school and along the west curb line of the parking lot.
Entry Protocol - Monarch Way (Before and After School)
- Drivers wishing to drop off their students in the morning before school or pick up their student after school may enter the Monarch Way Lot Edinger Avenue.
- Students should exit parent vehicles at Heisman Lane.
- Drivers dropping off/picking up students should not park in a numbered parking space or stop in the aisles to drop off students.
- Please do not park in fire lanes or block parking stalls.
- Faculty/Staff parking in Monarch Way (Reserved Parking Spots #1-104)
Exit Protocol - Monarch Way (Before and After School)
- When exiting Monarch Way, (unless otherwise directed), drivers exiting the St. Andrew Place gate must turn right onto St. Andrew.
- Although we recognize this may cause an inconvenience for some drivers, it should improve both safety and traffic flow in the parking lot.
St. Andrew Place Gate Entrance is Reserved Exclusively for
- Faculty/Staff parking in the structure
- Senior reserved parking in Monarch Way
- Student parking in the structure
CLICK HERE for a detailed map of our entry and exit locations.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation and patience. If you have any questions, please contact Jack Conklin at [email protected].
Who Parks Where?
- Numbered spots in the Monarch Way Lot are reserved for faculty/staff (1-104) and seniors who have purchased a reserved painted parking spot. Parents, please do NOT park in these spots.
- Visitors should park in a designated visitor space in front of the Meruelo Athletic Center or on the 1st floor of the parking structure.
- The 1st floor of the parking structure is for all faculty, staff, and student drivers.
- Students will not be allowed to park on the 3rd level unless instructed to do so by campus security.
Speed Limit
The speed limit in ALL Mater Dei parking lots is 5 MPH.
Other Safety Reminders
- Mater Dei is not responsible for student vehicles or contents. Students should make every effort to secure valuables and lock their cars.
- Students are not permitted to double park, park along curbs, or parkin a coned off, reserved, or non marked parking spaces unless instructed otherwise by campus security.
- Students who elect to park on city streets are subject to enforcement of city laws. Students are not allowed to move trash cans or block resident driveways.
Closed Campus
- Once on campus, students are not allowed to leave without permission.
- During school hours, students are not permitted to visit their cars.