Alumni » Alumni Circle

Alumni Circle

Mission: The Mater Dei High School Alumni Circle (AC) supports the mission of Mater Dei High School by providing spiritual, moral and financial support to the children and grandchildren of MDHS Alumni to continue the Mater Dei tradition for future generations and by supporting the activities of the Office of Advancement and Alumni Relations.

We are a dedicated group of Mater Dei alumni, who meet monthly and work closely with the Office of Advancement and Alumni Relations. The Alumni Circle helps organize and carry out fund raising and network opportunities such as the Alumni Popcorn Booth at home football games. Working closely with the Director of Alumni Relations, we assist classes at their reunions. The Alumni Circle is also at other MDHS events during the school year such as the Family Mass and Breakfast, Christmas at the Corner, Homecoming reception, and the Servite vs. MD football game tailgate, among other events.

Our efforts are directed to raise money for the Alumni Heritage Fund (AHF). Funds of the AHF are raised through a number of resources. The generous individual donations of MD graduates are by far the leading source of AHF revenue. 

Alumni Circle Events & Involvement:
Monthly Meetings - Meetings take place on campus and are generally held on the third Wednesday of each month.  We will not meet in the summer.  

Monarch Home Football Games: AC members help raise money for the AHF through sales of popcorn and sportswear at MD's home football games.

Class Reunions: The AC assists at a number of MDHS Class Reunions each year.  Want to help?  Email [email protected] to get involved.

If you are interested in joining our fun group of alums, or would like more information contact us at: [email protected]

Current Alumni Circle Members:

Name MD Class
Maia Murphy Ahumada 1983
Steve R. Camarillo 1970
Carol Chapman Cox 1965
Charles Dobson 1959
Nicholas A. Frank 1968 - RIP
Lynda Gonzalez  1974
Janette Hernandez Lavalle 1991
Vince Lavalle 1987
Linda Lopez  1970
William E. Malecki 1983
Juan (Tony) Mendoza 1962
Debra Bischak Navarro 1978
Candice Morales Rodriguez 2002
Armando R. Sanbrano 1982
Irma Mendoza Valdez 1984
Bob Webber 1959