Summer School 2024 Parent/Student Policies
All students who attend the Mater Dei Summer School Program must agree to abide by the policies of Mater Dei High School.
- Students are expected to conduct themselves with Honor, Glory, and Love at all times.
- Please visit our school’s website to view the Mater Dei Parent/Student Handbook for the 2023-2024 school year, which contains a full description of our policies.
- Failure to uphold conduct codes will result in disciplinary actions as outlined in the Mater Dei Parent/Student Handbook.
The additional information in the Summer School Parent/Student Policies outlines specific details as they pertain to Summer School only.
The MDHS Summer School Parent/Student Policies provide guidance on important dates, attendance and attire policies, course and grade expectations, and other important rules and regulations. Both parents and students are expected to familiarize themselves with these policies and agree to abide by them upon registration, ensuring a smooth and productive summer learning experience for all.