Summer School » Credit Advancement Courses

Credit Advancement Courses

Credit Advancement Courses: Summer 2024
Credit Advancement courses offer students the opportunity to accelerate their academic progress by delving into coursework they have not previously undertaken. Whether students are looking to jump ahead or bridge gaps in credits for graduation, these courses provide a pathway to academic advancement. Led by our experienced Mater Dei teachers, all our Credit Advancement courses are meticulously designed to align with the comprehensive curriculum and relevant academic standards of the regular school year.
These courses are structured to cover the same material as a traditional Semester or year but within a significantly condensed time frame. Expectations and prerequisites are clearly outlined, acknowledging the accelerated nature of the program. Students are challenged to absorb and apply knowledge at an expedited rate, necessitating a high level of dedication and academic rigor. Enrollment in these classes signifies an acknowledgment of the academic challenge they present, offering students a chance to excel and progress in their educational journey.
IMPORTANT: As of Summer 2024, auditing is no longer available for any courses. By enrolling in any Credit Advancement course, students are confirming their commitment to meeting the expectations of skills, dedication, and work ethic for the class. No exceptions will be made to the Refund Policy for the Summer School Program.
Mater Dei High School students must meet all prerequisites to take these courses for credit. Please check the MD Course Catalog for specific prerequisites.
  • e.g. Most Credit Advancement courses in Math require 85%+ in the previous Math course in student's pathway.
All Credit Advancement courses, with the exception of Art I, require completion of BOTH Semesters for advancement credit to be issued.
Please visit the Summer School Course Offerings & Descriptions page for more information.
Credit Recovery courses are offered at the following dates & times. When registering, you will select your preferred section(s).
  • All courses are held on campus (in-person); remote option are not offered.
  • WEDNESDAYS are considered FLEX DAYS. These days are reserved for Office Hours, make-ups, labs, or other specific meetings as determined by the teacher. 
Course offerings and schedule are subject to change. If necessary, registered students will receive notification of any modifications.
  • Last Updated: May 6, 2024: The morning section of Geometry is now FULL. You are encouraged to register for the afternoon section.
    • We have launched an INTEREST FORM for students who would like to be notified if another morning section opens, but enrollment is not guaranteed. Please proceed only upon completing your registration for the afternoon section.