Join the Campus Ministry Club!
Campus Ministry Club
Purpose of the Campus Ministry Club: Student leadership is the hallmark of Campus Ministry. The Campus Ministry Club allows students the opportunity to develop, with their peers, a more active faith life. Campus Ministry meetings provide students with opportunities to grow in their faith, get involved in outreach projects and assume a more vital role in the school wide ministry. Campus Ministry participants take the leadership in our outreach program. It is through their generosity and inspiration many lives, both locally and internationally, are touched throughout the year.
SIGN-UP: Coming Soon
**Sign Ups are available all year long**
Club Dues: $5 - Paid through sign up link.
Dues support Outreach, CM Club Events, and CM Club Opportunities
Opportunities to participate in Campus Ministry club are communicated through the CM Club canvas page and Remind. Students are added to these two things after they complete the club sign up form.
Sign ups are open year round! All are always welcome in the Campus Ministry Club!
All Students who sign up using the link above will be enrolled in a Canvas course to receive notifications and information about upcoming events and opportunities for the campus ministry club!