Counseling » NAVIANCE


Naviance is an American college and career readiness software provider that partners with high schools and other K- 12 institutions to provide students with college planning and career assessment tools. Naviance provides students with impactful tools to plan for a future that aligns with their strengths and interests, whether that's continued education, military enrollment, or direct entry into the workforce.  
What is the purpose of NAVIANCE?
Naviance is a college and career readiness platform that helps students connect academic achievement to post-secondary goals and success. Using Family Connections, students can: research careers and colleges, take assessments and surveys, and create goals and to-dos. 


Naviance connects high school students with colleges that may be a good fit for them. It uses a series of personality tests and tools to help them find the schools that will best fit their individual needs.
How does Mater Dei use NAVIANCE?
As a freshman, students and parents will receive their login credentials for a Naviance account. Freshmen students are encouraged to take the Strengths Explore Assessment. This assessment will help a student uncover their talents and reveal their potential strengths. 
As a Sophomore, students are encouraged to take the Career Cluster Finder and Career Interest Profiler. The Career Interest Profiler is an online career interest assessment for students based on Holland's interest codes. It allows students to complete an inventory that analyzes their own interests and pairs the results with potential career matches. Sophomores can begin exploring colleges using the College Super Match tool,  where students can match their academic profile with what they're looking for in a college experience. 
Juniors can continue to research colleges using the College Super Match tool and other Naviance resources to narrow their college list.