Josef Day » The Spirit of Josef Award

The Spirit of Josef Award

The Spirit of Josef Award recognizes a current Mater Dei employee who exhibits the spirit of Josef by exemplifying his best traits either through quiet random acts of kindness, as a model of faith, a good listener, passion for Mater Dei, care for our planet and beloved school campus, or small quiet displays of compassion that often go unseen.
Who do you see walking Josef's path? We challenge you to not only look around for the "Josefs" among us in our faculty/staff community, but to also aspire to that type of quiet leadership and service as well.

Thank you to all who nominated an MD Employee for the 2024 Spirit of Josef Award. Congratulations to this year's winner - Anthony Vasquez '85.


Mr. Anthony Vasquez '85, Mathematics Department


We suprised Mr. Vasquez before Josef Day with this happy news. This video aired Monarch Television and social media on this year's Josef Day - April 17, 2024:


Mrs. Kendra Hart, Religious Studies Department





Mr. Christopher Pham, World Languages Department




Mr. Kent Helwig, Performing Arts Department