Attendance/Dean's Office » Attendance Policy

Attendance Policy

Student attendance is governed by the rules and regulations of the CALIFORNIA STATE EDUCATION CODE and by the following information: The primary purpose of the Attendance Policy is to keep the parent/guardian informed as to the number of student absences in any class. The intent of this policy is to improve student attendance and not to impose sanctions. However, sanctions may be imposed should this policy be abused, according to the provisions of the 23-24 Parent-Student Handbook (section 300 beginning on page 19). Class attendance has been proven to directly relate to positive class performance.


In case of student absence, a parent or guardian must contact the Attendance Office prior to 11:00 a.m. and explain the cause of the absence. Mater Dei accepts phone calls, hand-written communication, and email communication from parents/guardians regarding their student absences. Please note that all calls and written communication are subject to follow-up confirmation.


Please refer to the Attendance/Dean's Office directory below: